Special Remembrance Tree Mass
Posted November 07, 2019
The staff and students of Cloonanaha National School will take part in a special Remembrance Mass at 9am on Sunday 17th November in Cloonanaha Church. Deceased past pupils of Cloonanaha NS, Letterkelly NS ,and Synge NS will be specially remembered. The school will be joined by international pianist Donal Mc Hugh for the ceremony. Families of past pupils are
especially welcome.
Open Invitation.
The BOM of Cloonanaha National School extends an invitation to join with them for tea after 9am Mass on Sunday 17th November. As the interior of the school was recently refurbished, this will provide an opportunity to see the beautiful,modern and welcoming Department of Education funded space.
All welcome.
School Tour & 6th Class Graduation 2019
Posted June 28, 2019
On Wednesday 26th June all the pupils in Cloonanaha set off for the UL Adventure Centre in Killaloe. There the children got to do a range of activities both on land and water. Those activities included Kayaking, Canoeing, Paddle Boarding, Sailing, Archery, Team Challenges and Climbing. All the pupils really enjoyed the day!

Presentation to Devitt Family
Posted June 24, 2019
On Friday June 21st, we had the unveiling of the defibrillator kindly donated to the school and community by the Devitt family. We are also thankful to Rose Devitt for organizing training of the defibrillator to members of the staff and community. It is a great asset to have in the area and hopefully will never have to be used. Many thanks again to the parents, Fr Martin and Mary Crawford who joined us on the day. Thanks to the children for baking such beautiful cakes and buns and for playing lovely tunes on their instruments. A great day was had and the sun payed a visit too!
Crochet 2019
Posted June 24, 2019
Many thanks to Kathleen Kearney who gave up a lot of her time each week to teach us how to crochet. The children really enjoyed it and created beautiful blankets. A blanket made by Kathleen was raffled off. Ava & Matthew Kearney won the prize.

Primary Games 2019
Posted June 17, 2019
Two girls represented Cloonanaha on the Primary Games teams this year. Rhea Foudy played against Limerick in the camogie and Eva O’Halloran played against Kerry in the football. Congratulations to both girls, you did the school and your families very proud